This SPEC recommends a lazy loading mechanism—targeted at libraries—that avoids import slowdowns and provides explicit submodule exports.
For example, it allows the following behavior:
import skimage as ski # cheap operation; does not load submodules
ski.filters # cheap operation; loads the filters submodule, but not
# any of its submodules or functions
ski.filters.gaussian(...) # loads the file in which gaussian is implemented
# and calls that function
This has several advantages:
It exposes a nested namespace that behaves as a flat namespace. This avoids carefully having to import exactly the right combination of submodules, and allows interactive exploration of the namespace in an interactive terminal.
It avoids having to optimize for import cost. Currently, developers often move imports inside of functions to avoid slowing down importing their module. Lazy importing, when implemented through out a library, makes all imports cheap.
It provides direct access to submodules, avoiding local namespace conflicts. Instead of doing
import scipy.linalg as sla
to avoid clobbering a locallinalg
, one can now import each library and access its members directly:import scipy; scipy.linalg
Core Project Endorsement#
Endorsing this SPEC means agreeing, in principle, with the advantages of lazy loading described above.
Ecosystem Adoption#
We do not recommend lazy loading for all projects. E.g., small projects with low import overheads do not need it. Lazy loading is useful when you are concerned about subpackage import times, but also want to make those subpackages available for interactive exploration in, e.g., IPython.
Adopting this SPEC means implementing, using the lazy_loader
package or any other mechanism (such as module __getattr__
), lazy loading of subpackages and, if desired, subpackage attributes.
Lazy loading has been adopted by
and MNE-Python.
SciPy implements a subset of lazy
loading which exposes only
subpackages lazily.
A prototype implementation of lazy_loader
was adapted for
Projects can highlight their adoption of this SPEC by including a SPEC badge.
|SPEC 1 — Lazy Loading of Submodules and Functions|
.. |SPEC 1 — Lazy Loading of Submodules and Functions| image::
Early on, most scientific Python packages explicitly imported their submodules. For example, you would be able to do:
import scipy
This was convenient: it had the simplicity of a flat namespace, but with the organization of a nested one. However, there was one drawback: importing submodules, especially large ones, introduced unacceptable slowdowns.
For a while, SciPy had a lazy loading mechanism called PackageLoader
It was eventually dropped, because it failed frequently and in confusing ways—especially when used with interactive prompts.
Thereafter, most libraries stopped importing submodules and relied on documentation to tell users which submodules to import.
Commonly, code now reads:
from scipy import linalg
Since the linalg
submodule often conflicts with similar instances in other libraries, users also write:
# Invent an arbitrary name for each submodule
import scipy.linalg as sla
# Import individual functions, making it harder to know where they are from
# later on in code.
from scipy.linalg import eig
Python 3.7, with PEP 562, introduces the ability to override module __getattr__
and __dir__
In combination, these features make it possible to again provide access to submodules, but without incurring performance penalties.
To make it easier for projects to implement lazy loading of submodules and functions, we provide a utility
library, called lazy_loader
. It is implemented at and is
installable from pypi and conda-forge.
As an example, we will show how to set up lazy importing for skimage.filters
In the library’s main
, specify which submodules are lazily loaded:
import lazy_loader as lazy
submodules = [
__getattr__, __dir__, _ = lazy.attach(__name__, submodules)
Then, in each submodule’s
(in this case, filters/
), specify which functions are to be loaded from where:
import lazy_loader as lazy
__getattr__, __dir__, __all__ = lazy.attach(
'_gaussian': ['gaussian', 'difference_of_gaussians'],
'edges': ['sobel', 'sobel_h', 'sobel_v',
'scharr', 'scharr_h', 'scharr_v',
'prewitt', 'prewitt_h', 'prewitt_v',
'roberts', 'roberts_pos_diag', 'roberts_neg_diag',
'farid', 'farid_h', 'farid_v']
The above would be equivalent to:
from . import rank
from ._gaussian import gaussian, difference_of_gaussians
from .edges import (sobel, sobel_h, sobel_v,
scharr, scharr_h, scharr_v,
prewitt, prewitt_h, prewitt_v,
roberts, roberts_pos_diag, roberts_neg_diag,
farid, farid_h, farid_v)
The difference being that the submodule is loaded only once it is accessed:
import skimage
dir(skimage.filters) # This works as usual
Furthermore, the functions inside of the submodule are loaded only once they are needed:
import skimage
skimage.filters.gaussian(...) # Lazy load `gaussian` from
# `skimage.filters._gaussian`
skimage.filters.rank.mean_bilateral(...) # Loaded once `rank` is accessed
One disadvantage is that erroneous or missing imports no longer fail immediately.
During development and testing, the EAGER_IMPORT
environment variable can be set to disable lazy loading, so that errors like these can be spotted.
External libraries#
The lazy_loader.attach
function is an alternative to setting up package internal imports.
We also provide lazy_loader.load
so that projects can lazily import external libraries:
linalg = lazy.load('scipy.linalg') # `linalg` will only be loaded when accessed
By default, import errors are postponed until usage. Import errors can be immediately raised with:
linalg = lazy.load('scipy.linalg', error_on_import=True)
Type checkers#
The lazy loading shown above has one drawback: static type checkers
(such as mypy and
pyright) will not be able to
infer the types of lazy-loaded modules and functions.
Therefore, mypy
won’t be able to detect potential errors, and
integrated development environments such as VS
Code won’t provide code completion.
To work around this limitation, we provide an alternative way to define lazy
Instead of importing modules and functions in
file with lazy.attach
, you instead specify those imports in a __init__.pyi
file—called a “type stub”.
file then loads imports from the stub using lazy.attach_stub
Here’s an example of how to convert this
# mypackage/
import lazy_loader as lazy
__getattr__, __dir__, __all__ = lazy.attach(
'edges': ['sobel', 'sobel_h', 'sobel_v']
Add a type stub (__init__.pyi
) file in the same directory as the
Type stubs are ignored at runtime, but used by static type checkers.
# mypackage/__init__.pyi
from .edges import sobel as sobel, sobel_h as sobel_h, sobel_v as sobel_v
The explicit import naming sobel as sobel
is necessary due to PEP 484.
Alternatively, you can manually provide an __all__
# mypackage/__init__.pyi
__all__ = ['sobel', 'sobel_h', 'sobel_v']
from .edges import sobel, sobel_h, sobel_v
Replace lazy.attach
in mypackage/
with a call to attach_stub
import lazy_loader as lazy
# this assumes there is a `.pyi` file adjacent to this module
__getattr__, __dir__, __all__ = lazy.attach_stub(__name__, __file__)
Note that if you use a type stub, you will need to take additional action to add the .pyi
file to your sdist and wheel distributions.
See PEP 561 and the mypy documentation for more information.
Thus far, we are aware of one corner case in which lazy loading does not work.
This is when you define a lazily loaded function, say my_func
, in a file of the same name (
) AND run doctests.
Somehow, the doctest collector modifies the parent module’s __dict__
to include my_func
(the module, not the function), essentially short circuiting the lazy loader and its ability to provide my_module.my_func
(the function).
Fortunately, there is an easy way to address this that already aligns with common practice: define my_func
instead (note the underscore).
YAML files#
Once a lazy import interface is implemented, other interesting options
become available (but is not implemented in lazy_loader
For example, instead of specifying sub-submodules and functions the way we do above, one could do this in YAML files:
$ cat skimage/filters/init.yaml
- rank
- _gaussian:
- gaussian
- difference_of_gaussians
- edges:
- sobel
- sobel_h
- sobel_v
- scharr
Ultimately, we hope that lazy importing will become part of Python itself, but the developers have indicated that this is highly unlikely 1. In the mean time, we now have the necessary mechanisms to implement it ourselves.
The lazy loading blog post by Brett Cannon showed the feasibility of the concept, and informed our design.
Technical improvements happened around the scikit-image PR
mkinit is a tool that automates the generation of
files, and supports this lazy loading mechanism. See, e.g., NetworkX PR #4496. -
The lazy loading discussion was initiated in NetworkX PR #4401.
Cannon B., personal communication, 7 January 2021. ↩︎